My Story | TheDivinityofAnanda
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My Story

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About Us

Priestess Shananda, known as 'The Peaceful Disrupter', is a spiritual advisor, facilitator, and Soul Coach pioneering a heart-centered, trauma-informed journey into self-exploration. Specializing in a tapestry of embodiment practices—from yoga and reiki to sound healing and breathwork—"I guide women entrepreneurs and neurodiverse empaths towards their authentic selves. My approach disrupts conditioned programming, unlocking inner wisdom and transformative growth".

Rooted in indigenous wisdom, yogic philosophy, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion, A safe space is created  for all to embark on their transformative journey. My services—personalized coaching, energy healing, online courses, and podcasts—offer practical tools for personal growth and self-discovery.

Sun pray

My Story

“Simply be vulnerable enough for me to emancipate your soul!”

The above tagline was heard while meditating to receive direction and clarity regarding answers that I was desperately searching for as I  navigated the process of healing. The work of healing is ongoing, and as long as breath exists within our lungs, we must engage with this work with the understanding that it done one step, and one day at a time.  As a spiritual intuitive advisor, coach, and energy healer, I offer transformative support to individuals seeking to tap into their inner wisdom and live their best lives. Whether you're a sensitive, creative, or intuitive soul, I am here to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and growth.


Founding The Divinity of Ananda Intuitive Consulting | Temple Crimson Lotus was an act of courage and faith in myself. Drawing on my own experiences and insights, I provide grounded wisdom and practical tools to help you access the person behind the mask and uncover your true purpose.


My personal journey has been one of both triumphs and tragedies. In the face of profound loss, including the deaths of two children and a grandchild, I discovered the transformative power of spirituality, yogic philosophy, and energy medicine. Through my own process of grief and healing, I have become a skilled practitioner with a deep understanding of the transformative potential of these modalities.

Together, we will create a supportive and nurturing space for you to explore and process your feelings, and I will be here to guide you every step of the way.

Drawing on personalized coaching and energy healing sessions, I'll help you tap into your intuition, release emotional blocks, and unleash your full potential.


I believe that everyone has the ability to access their intuition and inner wisdom, and I am here to help you tap into that power.


At the heart of my work is a deep belief in the power of intuition. Even in my darkest moments, I relied on my inner knowing to guide me forward. I know that everyone has this same ability to connect with their intuition and find their way through life's challenges. Together, we'll cultivate a deeper sense of self-trust and confidence in your ability to navigate life's ups and downs.


If you're ready to transform your pain into power and create a life of meaning, purpose, and joy, I invite you to join me on this journey. Through my programs, classes, future online courses and podcasts and workshops, I provide a wealth of knowledge and practical tools to support your personal growth and transformation. Let's work together to create lasting change and help you tap into your full potential."

Shananda in high ceremony outfit

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